In 2007 approximately 10 acres of woodland bordering the Chobham Road were purchased for the enjoyment of OPEC residents. The woodland is managed by OPEC via a separate company Ottershaw Park Woodland Ltd (OPW). There are a number of walkways which residents are encouraged to explore. The various paths into the woodland are discreetly marked by wooden posts. Tulk House also own an area adjacent to the OPW plot which all OPEC residents are welcome to explore. Each member of OPEC has a share in Ottershaw Park Woodland Ltd (which is relinquished on leaving the Park).
In 2009 there was a site visit by Richard Edwards, Woodland Officer at the Forestry Commission. You can read the report from the visit.
As shown on the Forestry Commission map further down this page, two plots of woodland (B and C) are classified as ‘ancient woodland’, which means they have been continually wooded for at least several hundred years.
You can also read our management plan from December 2012.
Woodland in Ottershaw Park
Forestry Commission map
Maps of plots A, B and C
Map accompanying sale document for the woodlands (plots A, B and C).
Map based on Land Registry plan showing woodland plots A, B and C (including triangular area labelled ‘A’) and the area of woodland owned by Tulk House. Main entrance road shown in grey.
Proposal to purchase plot C
You can download the Extraordinary General Meeting documentation from 2007.